Examining the Complexities of License Plate Camera Technologies
When designing and installing a project for a customer with LPR or LPC, you must consider which technology is appropriate, infrastructure impact, ROI and more. Here’s how.
When designing and installing a project for a customer with LPR or LPC, you must consider which technology is appropriate, infrastructure impact, ROI and more. Here’s how.
Not all license plate recognition solutions are created equal. Here’s how integrators can extend security beyond the exterior walls of a client’s building.
The new Dahua solutions include hybrid thermal cameras, multisensor cameras, panoramic fisheye cameras, penta-brid recorders and LPR cameras.
Profile M provides a standard way of communicating metadata between edge devices or services, such as IP cameras or analytics apps for devices, and more.
AIDA is said to be purpose-built for a flexible range of ITS applications, making each user-selected function completely automated and cost-efficient.
A leaked survey shows Ring asked beta testers how interested they would be in technology such as familiar faces detection, license plate detection and more.
Bosch Video Management System can monitor up to 200,000 cameras, while PlateSmart also has the ability to read plates from a virtually unlimited number of cameras.
BriefCam has added multiple new capabilities to its video content analysis platform to allow customers to further leverage video surveillance investments.
A security researcher created a solution that utilizes ALPR software and a machine learning network to spot, track and store license plates and faces.
The VMS leader hosted media at its home base in Montreal to evangelize the necessity for cyber-securing networks, discuss software innovations and more.